Friday 21 November 2014

Promotional poster - teaser - e.g. 1

"Three unsolvable cases
one unique detective"
I plan to use this tagline or something similar on my promotional poster (teaser) because it draws in the audiences attention. It doesn't give away the storyline, but it suggest that Sherlock is different to other crime dramas and it makes us as viewers want to watch it because we want to know how and why he is 'unique'.
The iconography on the poster are screen grabs from the series that it is advertising
- man holding gun - silhouette
- staircase
-woman in car, light hiding her face - makes us want to know who it is? criminal? helper? murderer?
- crime scene, two men with flash lights
- man in box - who is he?
all these images make us question who these characters are and how do they contribute to the story line. The aim of the poster is to make us as an audience want to watch the series.