Thursday 27 November 2014

Photo inspiration and targets for Paige and James

Front cover

As an audience our attention is drawn to the protagonist (Sherlock) - he dominates the frame and has been positioned on the left.- It is a long shot photograph and Benedict Cumberbatch costume is - Trench (black) coat, traditionally what we see in private detective crime dramas. e.g. Murder she wrote - not a trench jacket, but a long coat. Jonathan Creek - long brown coat.

 Naturally we read text from left to right, therefore the name of the lead role (Benedict Cumberbatch) has been positioned on the left. - Those who enjoy watching films, previous episodes of Sherlock , reading magazine/internet blog interviews of Benedict Cumberbatch and generally keeping up with events of his other 'star roles' will be seen as more recognisable than Martin Freeman. Benedict Cumberbatch is the main attraction here to entice the audience to watch the series, or in this case to buy the DVD. Therefore his name will be positioned to the left.

Expressions - Sherlock - Angry/Curious - frowning - Dr Watson - half smiling, looks as if he's just going along with it.

Poses - They are both walking - striking, Sherlock  has his hand in his pockets - looks professional/serious. Dr Watson has his hands by his sides - just following.

Back cover

Again Sherlock positioned to the left, both side on - They looking into the camera - addressing us as an audience.

Screen grabs at the bottom. - screen grabs are used to persuade the audience to watch the series/episodes. We refer to theses are 'teaser' because they reveal important messages (in this case, characters) they make us want to find out who these characters are and what are their roles.


This is the DVD that I will be recreating - I have set a clear target to take four photographs of my friends Paige and James. (This is only for 1 DVD cover, I will have to take more photographs for my promotional posters.

Paige will be replicating Sherlock under the name of Cynthia Hart

James will be replicating Dr Watson under the name of Alex Cross

Screen grabs will not be taken against the white sheet - will all require a similar location to the DVD

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