Thursday 18 December 2014

Production work

I have now chosen to produce two DVD covers and one Teaser Poster.
these are my (unfinished) DVD covers.
- I consider taking new photographs
- writing a new blurb for both DVDs
- new photographs for the 2nd DVD cover - screen grabs

Friday 5 December 2014

Bus poster

Bus posters - straight to the point

Title will always start from the left.

Main image in the larger part of the box

BBC logo to the right and possible release date

Progress DVD cover


This is the start of my DVD cover.

I still need to take photographs and add effects to make it official.

I have put my chosen fonts onto the media memory stick, so that they can be verified. The fonts I have chosen are very similar to the Sherlock series two DVD cover.

My chosen title "Cynthia". This is the name of my protagonist.